Taking a different route

Anirudha Kulkarni
1 min readJun 5, 2022


This summer I have decided to take a different route than usual. I cancelled a highly paid intern for an unpaid intern. I cancelled another intern at CMU. This time I am choosing on skills over money/tags.

Instead of multiplexing on 3 different tasks. I am choosing to focus on just a single one.

I would have called myself stupid if I had shown this decision to my 2nd year self or even to my 2 months earlier version.

I am slowing down. Going through the dip. After so many advices I am finally trying to focus on single task than multiplexing. I still feel bad for not going for the other two. I can easily multiplex at least one of them. At least let me take the money?

It’s a hard choice. The idea is focussing on one task should give more benefits than combined. Honestly I am bit skeptical about having dependence on single thing. What if it fails? What if things don’t work out? Shouldn’t I keep some backup? But I have never tried not multiplexing. How would I know the other side before trying it out?

I am taking the leap of faith. If things won’t work out as I expect then let it be. Maybe having a backups made me feel too much secure. I will be insecure this time. I will be in uncertainty. If this fails then I won’t have another option to fall back.

Let’s see how it goes.

EDIT: It did turn out lot better than I could have imagined.



Anirudha Kulkarni

Exploring the beauty of the universe with Computer science